I discovered something that turned my life upside-down. Now I want to share it with you.
I tend to forget to bathe every once in a while. Ever been there?
Whenever that happens, I attempt to make up for it by doubling up on deodorant. I call it the ole axe bomb trick. Miss two or three days in a row and I start to reek worse than a high school locker room. At that point, no amount of deodorant does the trick. The only answer is a relaxing warm bath. You already knew that.
But what about the mind? It can start to stink in its own way. But I’ve found the key to freshen up the mind as well. The best part? It’s free.
A walk is a warm bath for the mind.
Let me explain.
One of the first major milestones that elates our parents is taking that first unassisted step as an infant. Which leads to a lifelong journey of additional steps. Walking is one of the most natural things humans do. Yet we’ve done everything in our power to stop.
Humans used to walk over 20,000 steps a day. Now we are lucky to walk 2,000. Especially as we transition from physical labor to emotional labor. Seth Godin defines emotional labor as working with our minds instead of our hands (what most of us do now). We wake up in the morning with one goal in mind. Finding ways to sit back down. In the car, at the desk, on the couch, or in bed.
We are becoming fatter, sicker, and weaker both physically and mentally.
You already know about the laundry list of physical benefits walking provides but what about the mental benefits? I argue those are even more crucial to our survival and will only continue to gain significance as more of us transition to emotional labor. A well-functioning mind is vital to thriving in this brave new world.
I’ve been experimenting with various types of walking over the past few years. After thousands of trial and error steps, I realized I was walking all wrong.
I used to think that a walk had to be “productive” to be useful. By productive I mean bringing my iPhone and AirPods so I could entertain myself with a phone call, podcast, or audiobook. Without those I would just be wasting my time. Or so I thought…
Until one fateful day when I faced the horrifying situation that I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. Phone. Battery. 0%.😱.
I didn’t know what to expect as I walked out into that big scary world without it in my pocket but I decided to give it the ole college try. I felt the fear rushing through my body and mind as I walked out the front door wondering if I’d even make it back.
For the first few minutes I had no idea what was going on. I was dazed and confused as if I had received a blow to the head. What were these strange sounds I was hearing? Birds chirping. Cars zooming by. My own thoughts. It was terrifying.
But I decided to power through. After a few more minutes I started to feel the gunk being flushed out of the clogged pipes of my mind.
To my surprise, I returned home still intact feeling, what I can only assume, is comparable to returning home from a pilgrimage to (insert holy site of choice). Peace.
I had gained the wisdom hidden in plain sight. I realized that an undistracted walk is a piping hot bath for the mind. I was hooked.
Now I start every day with an undistracted walk and as crazy as it may sound, I have attained enlightenment. Ok, maybe not. But I HAVE become more creative and have better calves.
Your turn
Like anything new, it won’t be easy but it will be worth it.
If a thirty minute undistracted walk sounds impossible then start small. One minute is a good start. You can do anything for one minute. Reference The Blackjack Technique for help with beginning.
Your mind will be eternally grateful. You will gain a level of self-awareness you didn’t know was possible. Your mind will be free to have a good think. You will start to notice fascinating thoughts and ideas popping up when you give yourself these deliberate moments of indistraction (Grammarly is informing me that this isn’t a word but I like the way it sounds so it stays).
A good think = an undistracted walk.
It’s the remedy for any mental block. Lacking those creative juices? Not sure how to respond to that irate client? Wondering what to say in that big presentation? I’ve been there. Now I just shout out to my fiancé, “Hey honey, I’m going out for a good think.” She knows I’ll be gone for a while.
One caveat. What if you want to jot down some of these new insights while on your walk? It’s challenging to remember everything for when you return home. So I give you permission to bring your phone, with one ask. Put it in airplane mode and just have your note-taking app of choice loaded up. Nothing else. All you can do is note each epiphany that comes to you. Fair enough?
Now what?
The next time you lift up your mind’s armpit and sniff a foul scent you’ll remember….
A (undistracted) walk is a warm bath for the mind.
I hope you walk away (pun intended) with a newfound appreciation for walking. Now I must leave you because it’s time to have a good think.
Happy undistracted walking to you and yours!
Thank you to my fellow writers for your insightful feedback: Steven F., Ethan C., Brian A., and Grace S.
Excellent! Thank you for always inspiring others to be their best! Simple changes can make a huge difference.