Mitch Headburg was brilliant. Another interesting read, thanks Arman!

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Apr 5Liked by Arman Khodadoost

I like your little habit tracker report, and especially noted the insight of "Hoop dreams: 5/4 - goal is once a week." I need to do this, because I'd be interested to see which goals I actually outpace, as you did with basketball. That's a good piece of information to have. If there is something you naturally do it probably signals a resonance and love that ought to be paid attention to. You don't talk much about pick-up basketball. Given the obvious joy you get from it I'd be interested to hear about it.

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Apr 5Liked by Arman Khodadoost

100 essays... congrats! That's a huge milestone.

I used to be the same with books. Slogging through no matter what. Now I match your style of dropping books quickly if I don't like them. And having multiple books on the go at once so I can bounce between them based on what I feel like reading in the moment.

Always love finding a new stand up comic, thanks for sharing. Will check him out.

Looks like you're crushing it on the habits. I have a similar monthly tracker in the form of a note on my phone, though I track measurably fewer things.

Great antics as always, thanks for writing Arman.

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...does swimming in Barton Springs count as a cold plunge?...

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Apr 6Liked by Arman Khodadoost

I enjoy these antics. I too drop books. I am currently thinking about dropping a book with only 100 pages of 700 left. I was enjoying it, but itā€™s just too long. Iā€™ll look up how it ends, probably

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Apr 7Liked by Arman Khodadoost

I once read an essay which said'l: "Sometimes, you have to be ready for a book." It's helped me make peace with the books I didn't continue reading. As you said, not reading a book may be a sign of better taste. But if I know it's a good book and I didn't want to continue reading it, it gives me comfort to know that maybe I just wasn't ready for the book.

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