Apr 26Liked by Arman Khodadoost

So generous of you to let us in on some of your trip. Love the photos. And the comment about the perspective gained about American culture, the pros and the cons. Reminds me of what it's like just getting to know another person, which is a form of travel in itself, a way of getting perspective on yourself and what there is to appreciate and also improve.

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Thanks Rick! I didn't know if Substack was the right place to share travel photos but I still wanted to post something while I was away. Ah that's a great point. Meeting someone is its own form of travel. I've never thought of it like that.

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"Maybe a highly efficient honeymoon isn’t the point? Maybe a highly efficient life isn’t the point?"

I love this question Arman.

Maybe a 'meaningful' honeymoon is the point. Maybe a 'meaningful' life is the point. 'Meaning" being defined by each person living their own, one, precious life.

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Thank you James! Meaning over efficiency seems to be a good life motto :)

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Apr 27Liked by Arman Khodadoost

I've often come to the same conclusion while travelling but never worded it quite as beautifully as you did: "Somehow the more I travel, the more it makes me both appreciate and despise my culture."

When we travel, we're exposed to the good and the bad of our culture. We notice the things we do better than other cultures, and surely the things we do worse as well.

As T.S. Elliot said on travel:

“We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time."

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Thanks Jack! I thought my fellow travelers could relate to that point. Every time I come home from a trip I think about all the ways our lives could be better if we did things like they do. But I also am grateful for all the little things we take for granted that they don't do.

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Such gorgeous sights, some familiar to me (I went to Antalya as a child). Happy for you both! And wow, that is an inefficient experience, but at least it's a different kind of experience.

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Amazing! Antalya was a dream.

Haha im fine with different experiences no matter what form they come in.

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