May 24Liked by Arman Khodadoost

You’ve got to listen to the Eminem freestyles with Westwood on the BBC

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thanks for the rec! i forget about eminem sometimes but he's one of the best to ever do it.

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May 24Liked by Arman Khodadoost

Nice weekly, Arman. Thanks. I've read "Die With Zero" as well and have to agree. Anything that will nudge people toward understanding the concept of "Enough" and help them get off the 'More, more, more" hamster wheel is good stuff in my eyes.

BTW, also want to give you a high-five for completing 87 writings on Armans Antics. Many people might not appreciate the significance of this, but most people quit early (as I have done too many times to count) and never realize how close they were to fulfilling a dream. Well done!

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I appreciate you my friend. I published the first edition 87 weeks ago to crickets (a grand total of about 30 readers). Its truly is astonishing what can happen if you stay consistent with something. But i like to think id still be doing it even if nobody was reading it.

if nothing else, its fun to look back on and see what was on my mind in the past.

die with zero is a such a fantastic book. and one i need to reread because im a natural saver and gratification delayer to my own detriment at times.

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May 25Liked by Arman Khodadoost

The wasting time section resonates, Jerry always has great insights. My preferred method is doing something where my body is in motion, like a walk or a bike ride around the city.

Also hitting the steam room or taking a nice long shower. As I'm writing this I realize the common denominator between all these is disconnecting from my phone and get lost in my thoughts. Cheers Arman!

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Ive gone deep down the Seinfeld rabbit hole lately and didnt realize how much of a philosopher he is. I guess like a lot of comedians.

Yes agreed. Time wasted scrolling on my phone never feels quite as satisfying as getting in tune with the body. Thanks for the reminder to put my phone down :)

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May 26Liked by Arman Khodadoost

Wasted time is what I call unfocused time. Time that’s lead by curiosity

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I like that. I want as much of my time as possible to be driven by curiosity.

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May 27Liked by Arman Khodadoost

Die With Zero is such a great book and philosophy for living. Great recommendation.

Also loved the section on wasting time. I'm still trying to convince myself of this (not an easy task): "none of this time is truly wasted if I enjoy it."

Thanks for writing, Arman.

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i read die with zero on kindle but just bought the physical copy because it earned its spot on my bookshelf to serve as a reminder.

wasting time is still something i struggle to do more of too so youre not alone!

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