Couldn't agree more sir, good stuff

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Appreciate you Colin!

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LOVE this!

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Glad you liked it Angela!

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😂 so true! Perfectly framed!

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Haha I thought so too glad you liked it!

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wow! love the photo!

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Haha I did too. Thought it was fitting for this.

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Right on the money as usual Arman. Entertaining and actionable insights. That's your sauce.

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Appreciate you my friend!

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Great stuff! I find that good way of staving off the consumption of "mental cheetos " is by batching internet content. I also like how Aeon Byte podcast host Miguel Conner says we should choose ecstasy over entertainment.

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Thank you Bradley. How do you go about batching internet content? I like the idea.

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I check social media once or twice a week, usually as a reward for 'good behavior.' Never been a big YouTube person, so I guess I lucked out there.

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You have more self control than me. I find social media moderation to be nearly impossible. I've gotta delete the apps if I want to have any chance of not checking them.

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YouTube is good for learning, quick workouts and to listen to wisdom...I also follow the good behavior but daily to take little mental breaks from work...I would say use social media with purpose...

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Yes, with purpose.

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Agreed. Any social media can be good if used properly. The problem is it's so easy to get sucked in by irrelevant nonsense even with the best of intentions.

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